Seed bank was formed under program supported by #EU #brlf 15 families from the community participates in the formation of seed bank and more have decided to join it. They contribute to it a portion of seed which will help them to lend somebody and will get more in return... #EuropeanUnion
Message of #cleanliness, #belongingness and #Togetherness was delivered through an great enjoying activity with children of community... They enjoyed the cleaning of their school, roads and play ground... Staff along with the children decided to clean the school and roads to show their elders that children when decided could do lot more than expected
Organised food competition in pahadgarh block of Morena district under suposhan program supported by i g s s s program was organised por pregnant women lactating mothers malnourished children and adolescents to increase their knowledge on nutritious food. They learn to provide various types of food in a plate to remain healthy.
During lockdown for COVID-19 people find hard to survive as they have spent all their savings on food and survival. Reverse Migrants have left out with no money as many has spent their little savings in returning to their home. #Dharti Sanstha in support from #BRLF #EU has provided Optional Livelihood to the targeted community especially to reverse migrants during COVID-19.
शहर में नगर निगम द्वारा कराए जा रहे सीवर लाइन के कार्य में बच्चों से काम कराए जाने की सूचना निरंतर चाइल्डलाइन को मिल रही थी इसी संबंध में आज दिनांक 6/9/2020 को चाइल्ड लाइन टीम सदस्य संदीप सेंगर द्वारा जिले के कलेक्टर महोदय आदरणीय श्री अनुराग वर्मा जी एवं नगर निगम कमिश्नर श्री अमर सत्य गुप्ता जी को इस संबंध में जानकारी दी गई कलेक्टर महोदय द्वारा कमिश्नर महोदय को निर्देश दिए गए कि वह ठेकेदार को समझा दे अगर बच्चे काम करते हुए मिलते हैं तो ठेकेदार के खिलाफ एफ आई आर दर्ज कराएंगे।
Promoting Non Pesticide Management for agriculture in #Vijaypur Block of #Sheopur district.... Sahariya tribes are enthusiastically practicing it and have increased the ladn for organic production from last year